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Gastown x Vancouver International Jazz Festival

The 39th Vancouver International Jazz Festival presents over 150 performances including more than 50 free events from June 21 to 30, 2024. Opening weekend includes Downtown Jazz, a free concert series outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square, June 22 and 23. Granville Island will be the hub for festival activity, with free and ticketed shows scheduled at Performance Works, Ocean Artworks and the Revue Stage. In addition, downtown theatres, clubs, and North Shore venues will feature various live jazz performances throughout the ten days. Headliners include Killer Mike, Veronica Swift and Julian Lage. Tickets are available for purchase at

On Sunday, June 30th see Mai Garnica at Guilt & Co. in Gastown.

1 set – $6 per set. Click here for details and tickets.

June 29

West End Arts & Crafts Marche

July 1

Downtown Vancouver x Canada Together